Saturday, September 22, 2012

Introduction and First Post

Hi! Thanks for visiting my new blog. Back in August, the boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment that was much nicer than what we had been living in. It's a one bedroom with a really spacious living room (at least to us!), a balcony and a walk-in closet. When we first took a tour of this place we were so excited about moving in and I immediately started formulating decorating ideas in my head. The reason that is significant is because I never really decorate any place I live. I suppose its because I've never lived in any place long enough to really feel like putting an effort into making it look nice. Here's a fun fact - I started college in the year 2003 and from then up until this point I've literally lived in a different place every single year. True story.

When Rob and I found this place, we both felt that it would be a place we would want to live for a while and with that came a strong urge to actually decorate and buy furniture. In the process of researching affordable furniture and decorating ideas, I soon found the website Pinterest to be an invaluable source of inspiration. The "Home Decor" search function was chock full of bright colors, sofas, patterns, DIY projects and so much more. Now, I have never really been into crafts or DIY projects, but with my new found desire to make my apartment "pinworthy" and encouragement from my co-worker I am motivated to attempt some of the projects that I've found on Pinterest and other places on the web. I think it would be cool to have a sense of pride in my home and be able to say "I painted that" or "I refinished that" to a visiting guest while pointing out a piece of furniture. The goal of this blog is to document my adventure into the interior design of my home and attempts at DIY projects. I am by no means an expert at home improvement or refinishing furniture, but I hope to be a source of inspiration to other young adults like myself who are starting a home and don't know where to really start in terms of home decor. And being the novice that I am, hopefully I can do that with a little bit of humor.

With all that said, let me give you a look see of what we have so far. My apartment opens into a little hallway. The door straight ahead is the bathroom and to the right of Coco's cat tree is the bedroom. To the left are two steps the lead to the living room, dining room and kitchen.

Here is the living room from the point of view of the steps. You can see the balcony behind the couch. Off to the right is the dining room and kitchen.

We finally have a couch and a place to, you know...sit. After changing my mind a hundred times, we settled on the Spencer Cream 2-Piece sectional from Value City.

The throw pillows, which I love, are from Etsy.

Here is our dining room. The basic dining room table will be painted soon. I can't wait to get started on it.

The kitchen has a "window" the looks into the dining room.

Cool, right? Rob and I think so. Now bring on the projects!

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